Houma Downtown Demonstration Days

Terrebonne Parish Planning Department, together with the Houma Downtown Development Corporation, want you to fall back in love with Downtown Houma! Together, we will be investigating techniques to activate the historic Main Street corridor through downtown demonstration day event.

The Downtown Demonstration Days will include temporary elements such as:

  • The realignment of Main Street, turning the two traffic lanes into a single traffic lane, replacing parallel parking with angled parking, and adding a bike lane
  • Pedestrian crosswalks at all intersections and enhanced entry corridors at pedestrian bridges
  • Pocket parks
  • Pop-up storefronts utilizing existing, vacant storefronts along the corridor
  • Public art installations
  • Permanent public amenities such as planters, shade sails, furniture, and lighting
  • Public outreach “studio”, which will be open to the public after the event for continuing feedback

The public’s participation and feedback throughout the event will be used to create a Master Plan for the corridor that will be implemented in future phases.
